Supporting women through the ‘messy middle’

If life is supposed to begin at 50, why does it feel like there’s an expiry date on your value?

Sure, you might relish a pyjama day from time to time (don’t we all?) but you’re most certainly not ready to be put out to pasture or swap the challenges and rewards of your career, for slippers and knitting patterns!

Everything about this season of life has you questioning ‘What now?’ as you struggle to make sense of the paradoxical pickle this era has created...

On the one hand you may have found your voice - but on the other, the daily messages from a youth-obsessed culture has sent the confidence you once had off for a wander (Probably in those stiletto heels you can no longer wear)

...You give less of a hoot about what people think, but also feel guilty about doing things for yourself

... You have more time on your hands than you’ve ever had, but you manage to fill it running around after others.

And to top it all off, decades of people pleasing has meant putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own, but hey you’re kind, and accommodating …

And it’s all about an easy life

isn’t it ?!

Well, what about yours?

What happened to your hopes, your dreams?

What happened to the YOU before the layers of identities (the job roles, the titles, the labels) were piled on?

Support for your mid-life path



    You have this sense that there is more to life and more to you than you’re currently experiencing. You’ve had a glimpse of an idea or an itch that needs scratching but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is, or even what to do about it. Or you’re ready for a re-set but don’t know where to begin.



    You’ve spent years ... No, Scrub that! ... Decades ensuring everyone’s needs are met. You’ve climbed the ladder, ticked the boxes, and now you find yourself immersed in the ... ‘Now What?’. You’re in this strange place where you have more time... yet the time seems to be running out! There’s a fear of being invisible, being incapable, and growing old. Yet you know you have so much more to give.

Hello, I’m Sharon.

A mid-life mindset coach supporting women through the ‘messy middle’.

If you’re like me, you’re wondering how on earth this ‘mid-life season’ came around so damn quick!

I mean it wasn’t that long ago when you were young and cool, and could stay up past 9pm!

Able to party on Saturday and not still feeling like the Walking Dead on Monday!

Brave enough to make bold moves without second-guessing yourself.

Had seemingly boundless energy

Actually recognised the girl in the mirror. ! My friend, I see you, I hear you.

It’s time to get curious about the girl who had the big hopes & dreams.

She’s older yes, but she’s wiser too.

She has more time, more space to listen to that inner whisper...

The kind one... The knowing.

Navigating this path through this season with a suitcase full of insecurities, anxieties and a brand new identity crisis is quite the challenge.

I know beneath the layers is a powerful woman ready to use her wisdom, her life experience and her knowledge to show up for what’s important to her, a woman with the courage to be vulnerable when needed, to pave the way for others like her.

She’s ready to speak up for what she wants. But she just needs you to believe in her.

Join me for some messy middle musings with the odd WORDS OF WISDOM sprinkled in...

Pinky promise not to clog up your inbox with guff n nonsense.

I will be sharing midlife musings, ranging from mascara to menopause, business to brain fog. This will be the first place that early bird offers will be released on workshops, courses and retreats - so that’s a good reason to sign up if nothing else!

You can of course un-subscribe at anytime and I’ll still be your friend x