Hello, you!

I’m Sharon Wilkes-Burt

It was my own experience through the ‘messy middle’ that took me on the path to coaching. 

In a career spanning over three decades, I had had a fabulous career as a hair and make-up artist, working behind the scenes on advertising campaigns, style shoots, and runways all of which I loved.

However, working with brides and teaching were my greatest passions, and as I hit 50 my enthusiasm for my work showed no signs of slowing. 

Then the wobble struck!

The wobble first showed up in covid lockdown, when the world came to a crashing halt.

Weddings stopped, and I was a ‘non-essential’ worker.

Out of work for the first time I became aware of how much my self worth was wrapped up in my job… and if I didn’t have my job … then

Who was I? … What was I?

At the same time I began to notice the women in my life, the women that I recall, being bright, brave, ambitious, beginning to say things like …

“I don’t have the energy to compete anymore, and I’m feeling left behind”

“I’ve left it too late to learn anything new”

“I just feel a bit … Irrelevant”

What I found most unnerving about this is that despite having built two successful, busy-in-demand businesses… The happy hormones were flagging and I was feeling DONE!

I found myself with neither the energy nor desire to continue, but after 36 years in the industry…

What else would I do! ;)

In 2022 I’d started a two-year study into life coaching with an ICF accreditation. I’d done this to support the business mentoring I offered clients in my hair academy. 

But as my own wobble continued…

I found that the skills and tools I was learning to use in my studies were not only supporting my business clients, but they were helping me.

I began to have conversations with myriad of remarkable midlife women.

As I listened and resonated with their stories it became evident that my years of experience, fostering intimate connections and holding space for women, coupled with the coaching study, uniquely positioned me to offer profound heart-centered support

And so … 

Chapter TWO begins…