I remember when mid-life was a ‘way off in the distant future’ life stage.

I had some vague notion of what menopause was, though of course it was more often referred to as

“The Change”.

I recall my very gentle Mum suddenly becoming uncharacteristically angry at people on the telly - let me tell you, Cliff Richard really copped it one time!

I kinda sorta knew a little about the biology bit! … Or I thought I did.

What I didn’t know was that Menopause had a good mate called Peri and she brought a whole gaggle of add-ons to the party that I was blissfully unaware of.

I know from the many conversations I’ve had with mid-life women, that while there are days we can laugh at ourselves for turning up two days early for a hair appointment, or putting the car keys in the fridge, or suddenly forgetting the phone number that they’ve had for the last 10 years!

There are a good many days where we also feel overwhelmed, under-valued, invisible and like we have absolutely no idea of who we are anymore!

However, this isn’t the season to endure, or to just ‘accept your lot’ in that standard GenX “you’ve made your bed...” kinda way.

Life really does get to begin again in midlife... You really do get to choose which version of yourself you want to show up as.

You’ve been Wonder Woman for everyone else,

it’s time to let Lynda Carter know that you’ll be needing that leotard back!

… And that’s why I’m here to help you.

Support for your mid-life path



During this session we take a look at where you are now, the gifts, talents, and strengths you hold. Then working together we discover where you want to be, who you want to become and create an inspiring plan of action to help you get there.

Investment: Introductory offer $275 AUD

  • This is where you tell me ALL the things so that we can hit the ground running and make the absolute most of our time together.

  • We’ll work through your goals, your dreams, and your challenges and blocks.

    So that you can walk away buzzing with inspiration, motivation, and more importantly, a plan of action to make that goal a reality.

    *1:1 Coaching sessions are conducted over Zoom

  • Following the session, you’ll have a recording of the call and a written summary of the key points discussed PLUS any recommendations, resources, and tools.

  • As you integrate and implement, accountability and support are available to you Tues-Fri through the Voxer app, so that you can feel supported as you take your first steps.

I booked a ‘New Beginnings’ session as Sharon’s story of her own experience resonated with me. I did this in the hope of finding more clarity in the ‘muddle’ I was feeling about my career. Sharon gave me the guidance and tools I needed to move forward with a clearer and more positive mindset.

I would highly recommend getting in touch with Sharon if you are having any ‘wobbles’, whether it be in your career or life in general.
— Sam Lewis



We work together to expand your awareness of who you are (older, wiser, and positively brimming with value and experience…) and then continue to support you in becoming the woman you know you’re meant to be.

A series of 6 coaching sessions over 12 weeks will guide and support you as you get clear on your goals, begin to navigate the self-doubt, and learn to quieten the negative Nancy in your head… We see you Nancy!

Investment: Introductory offer $1500

  • A reflective exploration and pulse check on where you are now in life, career, energy, and season.

  • Your space, Your intentions, Your journey.
    The first 90 minute session will focus on your intentions and goal setting. A further five, 60 minute coaching sessions we’ll partner up to work on your actions, manage your realities and consider options that will set you up for midlife success.

  • After the initial session you’ll receive an action plan and written summary of the key points discussed.

    PLUS any recommendations, resources, and tools

  • As you integrate and implement, accountability and support are available to you Tues-Fri through the Voxer app, so that you can feel fully supported as you navigate your journey in BECOMING.

Before my sessions with Sharon I lacked clarity and direction, I was lost, overwhelmed and burnt out.

With Sharon’s guidance and support I realised I was not alone and was able to redirect, to focus and gain the clarity I was needing.

Sharon has an amazing ability to understand my goals and aspirations and has helped me define a clear path to achieve them.

Together we worked on my mindset and her unwavering belief in my abilities has boosted my confidence and allowed me to overcome a few blocks I had.

I am forever grateful to her for taking the time to share her knowledge and wisdom and I look forward to working with Sharon in the future
— Narelle

Beneath the layers is a powerful woman ready to use her wisdom, her life experience and her knowledge to show up for what’s important to her.

If you’re curious about coaching, but unsure if it’s for you...

I offer a 30 minute complimentary call as a opportunity to connect and consider the “What now”.

There is no cheesy hard sell, just the chance for you to explore if working with me - works for you.