Business Mentoring & Mindset Support

Enough with the comparison game and all the mindset drama, it’s time to unleash your inner powerhouse in your business

Business isn’t for the faint of heart, in fact running a business will be the greatest personal development journey you will ever take.

There’s a blissful naivety when starting a business.

You have a product or a service that’s going to help others, and you set out with optimism to share your offer with the world

Then the noise starts!

Who are you to do this?!

There are so many others more talented, more experienced, you really shouldn’t bother!

Nobody wants what you have to offer!

Stop showing off, nobody likes a show off!

If this was a ‘friend’ saying this stuff, you’d be appalled and unfriend them pretty quickly, and rightly so.

But this is someone closer than a friend … This is you … saying this to you … about you!

The internal chat maybe seeking to protect you, but it certainly isn’t serving you, neither are those limiting self beliefs you never knew you had until you started your business.

This is where your journey into Mindset begins.


And then there’s the ‘Business Stuff’

How do you get your message out there?

You’re aware that you’re supposed to have a pricing strategy, but you’re plucking numbers out of the air and feeling that every increase has the potential to lose you customers.

You’re asking ‘Do I need to do social media?’ Agh! The algorithm, the dancing, and pointing, that’s not for me!

You’re looking at tech, systems, and processes and deciding that …Nope! “I’m not cut out for this!”

If your background isn’t in finance, marketing, business or tech systems & operations then the whole thing can feel extremely overwhelming

What you need is a space to:

Get out all the thoughts, and the unhelpful beliefs that are getting in your way, blocking your inspiration, creativity … and GROWTH

Identify your strengths so that you’re able to determine with confidence what support is needed and where.

Sort through your priorities, set goals and create a plan that will take you closer to that business you were so excited to create at the start

With over 20 years experience as a business owner and mentor ...

Complete with a trunk full of ‘Been there, fell over that, and got up again ’ T-shirts

I have been where you are AND come out of the other side.

Building multiple successful service based businesses in a competitive market while sustaining a healthy work-life balance was no small feat.

But I became the go-to gal for both bridal hair education and styling

Now, I can tell you that this was achieved through passion, perseverance, and a sprinkle of fairy dust, and that would be 2/3 true…

The fairy dust well that came in the form of coaching support and an obscene amount of courses and workshops!

Where Business Strategy Meets Mindset



Let’s get to work on that Imposter syndrome,

Comparisonitis - be gone! Confusion - no more!

It’s time to focus your energy on those GOALS, those DREAMS!

With a potent blend of business strategy and mindset tools, we’ll shine a light on the shadows and help unleash the POWERHOUSE inside that’s been waiting for YOU to show up

Investment: $325

Business Booster

  • This is where you tell me ALL the things that are going on in your biz so that we can hit the ground running and make the absolute most of our time together.

  • We’ll work through your goals, your dreams, and your challenges and blocks.

    So that you can walk away with more clarity on the strategies required to bring ease and flow into your business.

    You’ll not only be buzzing with inspiration and motivation, but you’ll have the confidence to put your plans into action.

    *1:1 Coaching sessions are conducted over Zoom

  • Following the session, you’ll have a recording of the call and a written summary of the key points discussed PLUS any recommendations, resources, and tools.

  • As you integrate and implement, accountability and support are available to you Tues-Fri through the Voxer app, so you can feel supported as you take your first steps.

I booked a Business Booster with Sharon as I knew from previous training that she is so easy to talk to, very understanding and extra helpful when it comes to anyone with a business.
We identified a few issues within my business and she provided practical solutions. She also provided resources for me to use. She really gives 100% towards anything she does. Will definitely be having more coaching sessions with her.
— Tamana Khil

Beneath the layers is a powerful woman ready to use her wisdom, her life experience and her knowledge to show up for what’s important to her.